


A rehabilitation game for stroke patients developed in cooperation with UMCG. The goal of the project was to prototype ways of how the rehabilitation process can be moved from the hospital to home with Augmented Reality. The game is designed so patients and doctors can use the game in the rehabilitation process from the first to the last day of rehabilitation. In the design this was achieved by making several variables adjustable by the doctor.

The player goes through the process of  making pancakes in an augmented reality environment (Using the Epson Moverio BT-200) by using their arms and an extra peripheral. Eventually the prototype could be developed into a gamified experience that simulates a multitude of daily house activities, and grows with the user as they rehabilitate.

During this project I acted as project manager and game designer. As game designer I worked on the core gameplay loop and game flow. As project manager meanwhile I mostly distributed work and kept track of what had to be done. I was also the main point of communication for the client.

Made with Unity