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Home Away From Home

Home Away From Home

Deep in space, far away from home, it is difficult to feel at home. So make the station you live in home, add a personal touch to the station by adding your room and decorating it with the things that make you feel at home. One question then remains, What means home to you?

Create a room, Draw items and connect sounds to them. Then confirm your room to share it with the other players that will visit the station in the future. With this a small station will eventually grow into an enormous bustling hub.

HAFH is a player generated content sandbox game developed as part of the global game jam 2019. The theme of that year was the question what home meant to you. We decided to ask that to the players by making a game consisting almost entirely out of player made content. Players would be able to create what home meant to them by creating objects witha drawing peripheral and associating sounds to those objects via a microphone.

As the Game Jam progressed so did the space station. The end result is visible in the 4th picture. The game was nominated for best design.

During the jam I participated as sound designer, game designer, and artist.

Made with Unity