


Overtowered is a two player competitive tower duelling game. Pick a wizard, build a tower, spawn units and cast spells. Try to destroy your opponent’s tower but be sure they do not destroy yours.

The game has been developed as part of the Oulu game lab 2016/2017. I acted as team leader/producer as well as lead designer. Perhaps some of the most demanding roles in a team but I managed to exercise both roles at once. Not something I will likely do again however.

As designer I am responsible for the concept and most of the first design. After a redesign of gameplay interaction I began spending more time producing. Any design I still did at this point was regarding user experience.

As producer on this project I mostly worked on keeping the team focussed on the right tasks and delegating any problems in development we ran into.

Over the course of the last year the development team has been drastically reduced and those still on the project have been busy graduating. This meant that there has been very little time to finish the game. The project has eventually been scrapped and the most recent version is downloadable below.

Made with Unity